MultiTech Device Manager

MultiTech’s Device Manager is a free cloud based management solution that simplifies and scales the management of MultiTechs latest generation of networking devices. Multitechs MTR-H5 and H6 routers are supported and allow users to remotely monitor, upgrade and configure an entire device population from a single location.

Multitech’s HSPA+ MTR-H5 Router with Wi-Fi.






Water – the next frontier for M2M?

Machine-to-machine (M2M) communications and the Internet of Things (IoT) continue to dominate the telecom world and will certainly continue to be a growing trend to industry and government for the next 5 to 10 years. However, with changes comes challenge.

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Source: Sue Rutherford Skywave Mobile Communications.


Convert 12 volts DC to mains (220 AC). Pure Sine Wave Inverters, 12 volt DC up to 3000 watts and 24 volt to 3500 watts.

Gemalto HSPA+ Modem


Gemalto Penta Band 3G Industrial USB/RS232. Part number EHS6T USB.

EHS6 Terminal is a simple and reliable plug-and-play communication device that allows new M2M implementers to quickly connect their industrial applications using wireless technology. With very little integration and approval efforts, it provides a cost effective, swift solution for enterprise optimization technology.

The Internet of Things is expanding.

The Internet of Things is expanding, and connected cars and industrial plants are just the beginning. The granulate of connected items and  areas is growing finer and finer. Whether smart coffee cups and intelligent ballpoint pens join its ranks any time soon remains to be seen. What can be said for sure, however, is that we have entered a new phase of net-working, and a glance at upcoming trends will show us what awaits us.


Source:Jurgen Hase

M2M security: considerations to address growing concerns

Security continues to be a hot topic in all areas of technology, including machine-to-machine (M2M) applications. Today, most analysts agree that the security risk is relatively low,  primarily because M2M is still a  growing space and hasn’t reached a critical mass that would draw significant attention from hackers. However, M2M is growing very quickly. Cisco estimates that there will be 25 billion connected devices by 2015 and 50  billion by 2020, so security concerns will likely grow in the near future.

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Source: Olivier Beaujard, Sierra Wireless.